We're over due for a new post aren't we?? Well, there hasn't been a new short story recently because we are using all of our juice on a rewrite of Provenance that is sure to knock your socks off...or at least make your feet itch a little.
I keep getting asked the same question: why are you rewriting it, WAIT, you are rewriting the WHOLE thing?!
To which I say: Yes, the whole thing because its a better story now than it was when we wrote it, and it deserves better story telling.
But I'm happy with the rewrite so far, I think we both are. Actually I know we both are.
Can I just say something though? If it was six years ago, I WOULD NOT being doing this rewrite. It amazes me how much I have changed as a writer over the years (note less run on sentences and I try to consider the ellipsis before putting it in use).
Lastly, if it is requested enough, I just might consult my other half on posting parts of the rewrite on the old blog if we wont be doing short stories for a while.
Give me your thoughts, or Karma will find you and take them! (its a Provenance joke...sorry y'all)