Tuesday, December 29, 2009

All I Want for Christmas is a Ginger Midget

If you haven't seen Sherlock Holmes yet, then you probably don't understand the title. First, I suggest you see Sherlock Holmes, because it was quite entertaining. Second, I know that Christmas is over, so don't criticize the title further, please and thank you.

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday, I know I did (except for the endish when I got really sick and had to stay home from work on Monday-I know, it was sooooooo, incredibly sad...I hope you detected sarcasm there with your Sherlock skillz).

But all that is beside the point. I'm here to talk some serious business. Remember a while ago when I mentioned that half of me (that half being the one writing at this moment) had never watched Buffy before in my entire existence? Oh no, see? Now you are upset again, I shouldn't have said that. Oh well, the past is the past.

Well, I have remedied that as of now. I have completed season 1 and am about 7 episodes in to season 2. Guys, this show is fantastic! What was wrong with me?! Thank GOD for Netflix!

I am still having a hard time figuring out who my favorite character is so far (I know I haven't met everyone yet since I'm still very early in the show), but I'll try and narrow it down for you. It's between three characters:

1) Willow - Well, it's Alyson Hannigan, and I love her, so of course she makes the list! Also, she cracks me up all the time, and I think if I were in junior high/high school I would have seriously related with her 'pining-for-the-guy-who-doesn't-like-you-back' thing. BUT! I just met Oz, sorta, so, I have hope!

2) Angel - Besides the fact that the guy is tall, dark and handsome, let's get something else straight. He's totally mysterious, and where there is intrigue, I WILL GO! Plus, his real name is Angellus, and that's almost the coolest thing I've ever heard.

3) Xander - I know this seems a little hypocritical of me, but I can't help myself. I find this guy hilarious. He makes me laugh in every episode. I don't really care that his eyebrows are funny looking, I mean, come on, haven't you seen Colin Farrell's brows? like whoa. Also, his new haircut is season 2 is seriously workin' for me, even if it does reveal his umm, ears. Yeah, so they stick out and are huge, but it's endearing.

There you have it. If only there was a ginger midget involved, I could die a happy person. Wait a second, I've had a thought. Could Seth Green be considered a ginger midget? Quite curious... ::slaps hand:: For shame!

Also, upon further review, it has been pointed out to me that my selection of three is basically half the cast at this point, so I'm fail with the narrowing of the list.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silence is Golden.

It's days like today when I wonder why the hell I'm at work. I've been here for two and a half hours, the phone has wrung about three times, and I haven't needed to answer it once. No one has asked me to do sh#t, and I am entertaining myself with...stuff.

It is so quiet here, I can actually here my thoughts before I think them, and it's creeping me out. Half of the office is out today, the parking lot is basically empty, and you just know it's going to start ice-storming the second I get to leave. This is so ridiculous.

I'm sorry I'm complaining, I know I should be all happy because it's Christmas Eve. Well, ok, I AM happy, I just have found things to complain about as well. Let's do some pros and cons.

-I get to leave early from work
-It's quiet so I can do whatever crap I want
-A three day weekend approaches

-Possible ice-storm
-I'm bored
-It's freakin Christmas, can't I leave now?

Is the mail even coming today? I hope it does, because that will give me something to do.

Then again, I don't really want anything to do. Silence is my muse. I get to the point where I'm so incredibly bored that my brain dies a little, so that from the ashes arises a new idea or something to do about an old idea. I've had a little bit of that today, but I'm tired and don't feel like getting my creative juices flowing. They are stagnant and happy about it. Sometimes you just want to stare, you know?

::looks around the office::

The only problem is there is nothing to stare at. I live in this stupid little cubicle, looking at my stupid phone, paper clips and post-it notes all day. Eventually, this WILL drive me crazy. I'll give it three years. I think that's my threshold.

I wonder what that says about me? Does that mean I'd do awesome in solitary confinement? Would I be one of those people who emmerges from wrongfully convicted prison time with an abundance of knowledge and a plan to take over the world? or...OR would I go completely nuts and talk in riddles the rest of my life? Wait a second, I already talk in riddles, damn it.

The point is, I'm talking about silence here. What do you do in your silence? Do you think really loud? Or do you think quietly? Have you ever thought about the volume of your thoughts?? I know that sometimes when I am getting ready in the morning my thoughts get really loud and angry sounding. I don't know why, but it bothers me. Someday I'll figure out what it is about my morning routine that pisses off my thoughts so much, but that's for another discussion.

Do you enjoy your silence? Or are you a person who needs to fill it all the time? I haven't decided which I am, mostly because I like silence, only because I get to fill it all by myself. So, what does that make me? Ok, don't answer that.

When do you need silence most? I find that the times I need it are when I am trying to fall asleep, when I am trying to think of the words/tune to a song, and when I am trying to solve the world's problems (lol j/k about that last one, tricks are for kids).

You look confused. Oh, yeah, you think I should have included I need silence when writing. Actually, that's false. I enjoy listening to music, bashing my head into my desk, and definitly the sound of my own fingers hitting the keyboard. It's like a symphony, really.

The phone just rang. Fourth time all morning, and no, I didn't need to answer it. I just stared. :sigh:

I think that I might stray away from the silence topic for just a moment to address a serious issue. Yes, that's right, we need to talk about this Robin Hood trailer. You know? The one with Russell Crowe, directed by Ridley Scott. Oh wait, you thought that was for Gladiator 2? Sorry, but no such luck. It may look like the sequel, act like the sequel and probably smell like the sequel, but it's "an entirely different story". ::shakes head:: It looks like crap. I can't get over it, it just upsets me. Robin Hood IS NOT Russell Crowe (and believe me, I'm a fan of his). Robin Hood IS NOT dark and depressing. And most of all, it IS NOT Gladiator f*ckin' 2!!!

SO, without further ado, this Flat Tire letter goes out to Mr. Crowe and Mr. Scott:

When you conceived this idea, what were you thinking? Are you that dense? I know you guys are smart, but come on!! The reason people like Robin Hood is because he is charming, sneaky, hansome, cheeky, smart and giving. So, you took those ideas and came up with this crap?


I have no words, you have literally taken them away from me.

So, now we are back to silence. Nice, huh?


Happy Holidays Everyone!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

I See You.

Well guys...no road trip needed. Avatar was incredible. Thanks James Cameron, you're the best!!

I've seen it twice, and I'm in love with it, I now find myself wanting to walk around and instead of saying hello, say "I see you", but not in a creepy stalker way, in the cool Avatar way. Yeah, like that.

Just one more comment about it, well it's more on James Cameron than the actual movie. Has anyone noticed his inclination to choose 'J' names in his movies for his male leads? Here is what I have noticed:

John Connor
Jack Dawson
Jake Sully

What do you guys think? I mean, it works for me. I love the 'J'-last name is Irish-combo. Man, it totally works for me. Mmm.

Other exciting things:

- Dollhouse keeps getting better and better, aren't you guys glad we have about three episodes left EVER...I hope you detected sarcasm there (about the amount of shows, not its quality).
-Christmas is coming soon, which means presents!!
-Christmas is coming soon, which means Sherlock Holmes!!

Sad news about Brittany Murphy, huh? I've only seen a handful of stuff she has done, but man, she sure was young.

Damn, now I'm depressed. I need something to make me feel better...

There's just something about punching Nazis that brightens my day.


P.S. OMG!! I just realized that today is our three month anniversary of starting this site! How exciting is that!? In celebration, I'm going to commit plagiarism (but not really cuz I'm crediting the person-but not really cuz I don't want to reveal his/her real name cuz it's the Internet and there are creepazoids out there.) Last week there was something called a rhyme off going on in the lead up to Avatar being released. Here is the best rhyme that I heard, by (codename) D-Rock ...all names have been changed...:

Titled "Avatar is Better than Onions"

"Where are we going, where will we eat?"
"D-Rock you pick." I'm in the back seat.
"Pizza, McDonalds, and Taco Bell!" I'll say,
Hillary gaze, through my soul, will respond "No way."
We'll go to some place, I won't like it deep down
I'll complain about my food, "D-Rock stop being a clown!"
Onions everywhere, how did they get in my hair?
The stench of the beasts start to fill the air.
"Onions are so good, you bimbo!" says Marcuz
"Fuk yo couch!" a sly remark I neglect to bark.

We leave in good spirits, except me I'll be crying
"Those stupid onions" I mutter, as I pout and start sighing
Batman comes up, somehow in a conversation
"Rachel!!!!!" Hillary blurts, a Two-Face imitation
The frustration of onions, dissipating through elation
Everyone's thoughts, now focused, on constipation
*Avatar* was the word I meant to put there
That would not have rhymed and would greatly impair,
The flow of this poem, but to you all I do swear,
The midsentence rhymes will stop, much too unfair

But good news I bring, not solely despair
Good reviews from some places, "What's that over there!?"
I point at nothing, "Made you look." Rhyming is hard.
The blue guys in the movie prolly need a green card.
"Excited, I am" I'll say before I buy a soda
The movie will be awesome! Why am I talking like Yoda?
"Explosions, love, and fantasy, what's better?" I share
"Porno" says Mr.Stud, with his finger in the air
"...Beer" declares Marcuz "and the color ash gray"
I nod in agreement and proclaim "Touché"
Alas I think it's time to say my final goodbye
With a song "I'm Blue, da ba dee, da buh die"

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Got 99 Problems...

and I'm hoping Avatar ain't one.

Tomorrow brings us Avatar, and yours truly cannot be more excited. No, really, I can't be. If I became more excited, the world would explode. Ok, so I exaggerate, but you get the point.

The point being, that I'm excited. I wasn't excited until those stupid Golden Globe nominations came out. Stupid. :sigh:

And now, look what happened? I'm excited. If this movie is anything less that what I want (and come on, don't we deserve it after a 12 year absence?), then I'm gonna be mega-pissed.

Do you see how angry he is? Can you feel it? That's how pissed I'll be. For real.

Now, if the movie kicks my ass into heaven, well, I'll probably look like this. And when I say probably, I mean most definitely.

See? Someone kicked my ass, and there is heavenly light shining down on my face, and I look...confused?? Eh, it doesn't matter, because I'm Harrison Ford.

BUT! If the move DOES suck in some weird dimension that only exists in a parallel universe, this is the master plan:

Step 1) Road trip!!

Step 2) Find James Cameron's secret hiding place.

Step 3) Try not to get caught.

Step 3) Take away his movie-making mojo, replacing it with a bag full of suck.

Step 4) Make a clean get away.

Step 5) Punch a Nazi.

Step 6) Hide the movie-making mojo in a safe place.

Step 7) Look sexy.

Step 8) And remind James Cameron to choose wisely next time.

Who's in?


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Great Debate

Behold, the most glorious conversation two 23 year-olds ever had...It actually consumed about 24 hours of time and intense thought. If you have theories one way or the other, feel free to jump in and give us your two cents! Before you read on, please make yourself aware of who Channing Tatum and Matthew Goode are. Oh? What's that? You'd like me to provide you with that information cuz you're lazy? Well, fine! I will!



Let the debate commence!!! (and we're not telling you who is who, hence the code names)

Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: I just watched two trailers, "Leap Year" and "Dear John"... you know, i would take channing tatum OR matthew goode. now if I HAD to choose, that would be difficult

Tate-yum: wait, what are you talking about? i feel like i missed something
oh wait, you watched both previews, and are deciding between them, if you had to choose....damn it, thats hard.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: yeah, it is. thankfully i won't ever have to make that decision because I don't think i could. wow, I REALLY don't know.

Tate-yum: ::thinks hard::
ok, pros and cons ... ...
goode: foreign and tall and dark
tatum: could be a little stupid
goode: could be a little stuck up
tatum: extremely well built and handsome

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: but stuck up could be fun

Tate-yum: however, goode would be more interesting on a minute by minute basis. plus, the accent

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: right, its a really challenging decision

Tate-yum: i think we should probably post this convo on the blog

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: lol, my relatives read the blog. that would be hilarious though

Tate-yum: uh yeah it would

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: my automatic reaction is to pick goode. but then I think about tatum, and forget why i picked goode in the first place ... ... until I think about his accent

Tate-yum: well, this sh#t is getting posted for sure. pick your name ...i'll be...

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: well we have not come to a conclusion yet

Tate-yum: so, we'll have to carry on later.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: like, tatum seems like the one less likely to "fall in love", which makes it sweeter. but matthew goode has that book-worm thing going for him, which often coincides with passion. which is cool. anyway. to be continued.you have lunch in like, two minutes

Tate-yum: yes i know i do, balls.

...an hour and a half later...

Tate-yum: ok, con to tatum, he's married. while goode has the whole tall and articulate thing

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: right

Tate-yum: oh, tatum could totally strip dance for you, and that might be awkward with goode. but the awkwardness could also lead to hilarity. however, for laughs with tatum, all you'd have to do is ask him to scream like he did in "She's the Man"

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: i was gonna mention that, actually . the stripper thing is a little odd, i think. but he can dance. where as I can't see matthew goode dancing.

Tate-yum: correct. no dancing.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: also. channing tatum is very intimidating with his shirt off. like, he looks so good that one could potentially feel self conscious

Tate-yum: um, i think you would be thinking about the fact that his shirt was off SO much, that you couldnt even have time to think about yourself? i mean, that's totally selfish, to think about yourself in that situation.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: this is true. ha, and a waste of like, brain functioning.

Tate-yum: here is the problem i'm having: i feel like if i pick tatum, i am basing it on looks and
then i feel shallow. and if i pick goode, its because he's british, which is shallow in its own right and then i have another thought, this just might possibly be the most shallow conversation i have ever had. so why the hell am i being weirded out by the shallowness of my decision? riddle me that.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: yeah, ive acknowledged and accepted this is one of the more vapid moments of my life, and basically thrown any guilt on the matter out the window and matthew goode is not only sexy because he is british.

Tate-yum: well then i guess we know who you are picking.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: I didn't say that, i just was defending matthew. Channing Tatum isn't only sexy because of his abs either. though they do help his cause.

Tate-yum: damn it. i thought we were getting close

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: are you any closer?

Tate-yum: i think i'm at like 55% vs. 45% ...because everytime i think of that one scene from GI Joe with the rain and the glasses and the motorcycle, i have a moment

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: oh yeah! i forgot about that moment! crap! i mean
matthew goode as it a distinct disadvantage here though

Tate-yum: lol

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: because of the movies he has done

Tate-yum: yeah. i know. i think there are some basic questions we can answer that might help though.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes:im sorry, we have to pause this again. i have errands. ill be back on in like, an hour.

...several hours later...

Tate-yum: ok, so I have the questions, we'll each answer them and see where that leads us.

Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: kk.

1) Who would be better in bed?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
2) Who would you rather bring home to your parents?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode.
3) Who looks better dirty?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
4) Who would age more gracefully?
Tate-yum: Goode
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
5) Who is less likely to cheat on you?
Tate-yum: Goode
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
6) Who could punch some guy out at a bar to defend your honor?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
7) Who is less likely to give you herpes?
Tate-yum: Goode
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
8) Who would you like to go on a road trip with?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
9) Who wouldn't snore?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
10) Who would smell better?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
11) Who has the better laugh? Smile?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tied
12) Who would you be attracted to if he wasnt a movie star?
Tate-yum: Don't know.
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode

Tate-yum: Well, I've made my decision after lots of Google research (the best kind). I pick Channing Tatum, for sure.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: Me too. Err. No. I don't know, I can't decide.

Tate-yum: dude, it's been like more than 24 hours.

Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: but i'm incapable.

Tate-yum: well, that's obvious to me now.

That's it, there is no more. It really was the Great(est) Debate, mostly because only one person could make up her mind, and that was after looking through a zillion pictures of Channing Tatum over a course of 45 minutes. If you simply must know which picture did in poor little Tate-yum, I will share it with you now...


Awards Season Has Arrived!

This morning brought about the announcements of the nominations for the Golden Globes, and I am here to give you the wrap up! I'm pretty happy with what/who was nominated this year, although I'll tell you about the depressing omissions as well.

I'm only doing the big, heavy-hitter categories, otherwise this blog would be as long as the award show itself.

Best Motion Picture, Drama
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Basterds
Up in the Air

I have yet to see Avatar and Up in the Air, but considering I didn't want to ever see Inglorious Basterds, and Precious sounds incredibly depressing and The Hurt Locker, well that looked sad too, I'm probably going to vote for the previously mentioned two I have yet to see.

Now I'm really stuck on the whole Inglorious Basterds thing, was it that good? I can't imagine it was, and I'm still not seeing it. ::shiver::

Best Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical
500 Days of Summer
The Hangover
It's Complicated
Julie and Julia

I have or intend to see all of these films except for Nine, because that doesn't interest me. I don't see how The Hangover could win (even though it was truly hilarious) against the awesomeness that was 500 Days of Summer.

Best Director
Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
James Cameron, Avatar
Clint Eastwood, Invictus
Jason Reitman, Up in the Air
Quentin Tarantino, Inglorious Basterds

If Tarantino wins this, I'll flip my sh#t, I hate that guy.

Best Television Series, Drama
Big Love
Mad Men
True Blood

Love me some True Blood, but I'm not sure it deserves the win here (not that I really watch any of the other shows nominated). So, here is what I'm confused about: House. Why is this still being nominated? I mean, seriously, every episode is the same, right? I don't watch it on a regular basis, and I'm not saying it's not good, but aren't there other really good television shows out there that deserve a nomination??? Of course there are, people are just lazy.

I mean, come on! Lost was pretty good last season...

Best Television Series, Comedy or Musical
30 Rock
Modern Family
The Office

Oh my GOD! Glee (!!) is nominated!!!! Best.Day.Ever.

Honorable Mentions:
* Neil Patrick Harris for How I Met Your Mother
* Jane Lynch for Glee
* Lea Michele for Glee
* Matthew Morrison for Glee
* Anna Paquin for True Blood
* Up for Best Animated Feature Film


Friday, December 11, 2009

My Cucumber Is Pickled

Got to give it up to Bill O'Reilly, he keeps dishin' out the lolz...


I mean...really? We're really gonna pick on "Law & Order" now? What really gets me here, is that you played the clip in which you were supposedly portrayed badly. wtf is wrong with you?

It's like your brain has taken a leave of absence on account of your general stinkatude and stupidity. That reminds me of line from "Firefly"...

Excuse me, sir, but I think you have a problem with your brain being missing.

I don't even have anything else to say, I'm at a loss for words.

Except for "Avatar" comes out next weekend!!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Murtaugh List

Today I will be giving you my own personal Murtaugh list. If you are unsure as to what that means, I will direct you here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murtaugh_(How_I_Met_Your_Mother)

Except, mine will be slightly different. It will consist of things that I have never done/have never happened to me, that seem to happen to everyone else. So, if you're still confused about the name of the list, I'm sure it not being an ACTUAL Murtaugh list doesn't help, I'm sorry for that (no I'm not, go read a book).

I have never/never had...

1) Stapled my finger.

2) Got something (like food) lodged in my sinuses.

3) Had stiches for something other than a surgery (to date only the stiches after my wisdom teeth can be included here).

4) Cut my fingers/hands while opening a can.

5) Fully functioning headlights.

6) The ability to light a match.

7) Slept through an entire night.

8) Owned an iPod (or any other Apple product).

9) A bloody nose (unless you count it getting hit extremely hard so that it bled for a short time, but I dont really count that one, cuz it was forced).

10) Swine flu (it appears like a lot of people have had this, and I, still, have not!)

If you have never had these things either, I want to congratulate you on being like me! Although I suppose that the numbers of how many people can check each of the things on my list are very small. And yes, I KNOW its weird that I don't have an iPod or something like it, so stop looking at me like that.

Since I misled you into thinking there would actually be a real Murtaugh list, I guess I'll give you one now...Here is my "I'm too old for this sh*t" list.

1) Watching anything on the Disney channel.

2) Walking around stores like Toys R Us without an actual purpose (like buying a present for your little cousin)...you dont want to get arrested.

You know what? I'm having a hard time coming up with anything else. Maybe I'll try this again when I'm a bit older. Although, you guys know I'll be just like Barney in that episode of HIMYM and I'll try to do all those things in 24 hours...and I'll end up looking like this:



Monday, December 7, 2009

In Theory...

Today let's discuss things that are good/bad in theory, but completely the opposite in reality. Now, this is just my opinion, it is not based on scientifcal (hah nice word) factoids.

In theory _______ is/was a good idea.

1) Mullets. Yes, in theory the old saying of business in the front, party in the back is a fantastic idea, however, when it comes to execution, this idea is super fail, unless its for Halloween, then it's awesome.

2) Communism. If you have taken a sociology class, you would have learned that in theory, this seemed like a good idea, but obviously, it was never executed correctly, since being called a Commie is an insult, and people apparently like to shoot communism in the face in places like, ohhhh, Texas.

3) "Alexander". The idea of this movie was so exciting. I mean, just look at the cast, and you'll understand. However, while watching it, I realized I hated it so much that all I wanted to happen was for Colin Farrell and Anthony Hopkins to die so that I could go home and get drunk to forget about the most shiteous movie my eyes have ever bled after watching.

4) Winter. Yup, in theory, having seasonal changes is a good idea. I don't agree.

5) Darkly colored highlighters. There are only so many colors that are on the lighter side of the scale, and sometimes you just need one more color when you are color coding something. However, when you start highlighting something in purple, you kind of f#ck yourself over...cuz you can't read what you highlighted.

6) Sun-In. You know that stuff you can put into your hair so that it looks like you have been in the sun a lot...I think its supposed to give you blonde highlights. Don't believe it. It makes your hair orange. Nobody wants orange hair...except for Leelu Dallas of course, but she's awesome. Let's just say I couldn't rock the orange hair on my multi-pass.

7) Fake Tanning. Pretty much the same reasoning as above.

8) "House of Wax". In theory, any movie with Jared Padalecki should be the greatest idea EVER. However, upon execution, this idea became traumatic and nightmarish. It was hard to close my eyes for two days and not see his skin peeling away from his, well, I guess it was his face.

In theory ______ is/was a bad idea...

1) Eating a bag of potato chips. This seems like a bad idea, but once you do it, it was the best idea you had all day.

2) Guacamole. You look at it, and it's green. Gooey. Green. But, you are brave and take a bite. Then, you will eat the entire bowl of gooey green ginormous deliciousness.

3) Doing anything that pertains to building after 2:00 AM, like maybe putting together a book shelf. You'd think it would have collapsed by now, but maybe my hammering skillz are exceptional.

4) Reading the "Twilight" series. Your friend tells you its about vampires, but you should still read it because its good, so you do. Then you read the first book in a day, and your life becomes focused on it for a good six months. Then its over, and you look back and think about how you were probably drunk for six months straight, and that's how you rationalize to people. Alcoholism...for six months. Yes, exactly. ... ... ... But you should still read it, cuz its good.

5) Watching more than one television show about vampires. Haven't found one that I don't enjoy yet!!

6) Credits cards to your favorite stores. You'd think that this would lead you to buy lots of things that you don't want. However, in reality, it leads you to buy lots of things you do want (and maybe need), for which you don't have to pay...until you get the bill...

7) "Rock of Love". We're talking about the first couple seasons here, they were awesome. Some of the worst television I have ever seen, but hey, I watched it!!

8) "Christmas Cottage". In theory, this movie should have been a waste of my time (even though the godlike Jared Padalecki was in it). However, after it was finished, I can't stop myself from quoting it at least once a day. Maybe Jared is up to something. Perhaps he really does know a memorable film when he sees one. Oh Jared, oh clever clever Jared.

There you have it. Good ideas that turned out bad and bad ideas that turned out good. It's kind of like what Forest always says "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

Oh, which reminds me. I'm adding boxes of chocolates that are unidentifiable to the list of good ideas that went bad. It's so misleading and severely depressing when the delicious treat you put in your mouth ends up tasting like that really gross bug Bear Grylls ate that one time that burst out towards the camera and he made that face that instantly conveyed "that was a horrible mistake".

For those of you who are strong of stomach, I urge you to watch the corresponding video to fully understand the face. The action starts around 1:00. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuB3kr3ckYE

Until later!!
