I hope everyone had a lovely holiday, I know I did (except for the endish when I got really sick and had to stay home from work on Monday-I know, it was sooooooo, incredibly sad...I hope you detected sarcasm there with your Sherlock skillz).
But all that is beside the point. I'm here to talk some serious business. Remember a while ago when I mentioned that half of me (that half being the one writing at this moment) had never watched Buffy before in my entire existence? Oh no, see? Now you are upset again, I shouldn't have said that. Oh well, the past is the past.
Well, I have remedied that as of now. I have completed season 1 and am about 7 episodes in to season 2. Guys, this show is fantastic! What was wrong with me?! Thank GOD for Netflix!
I am still having a hard time figuring out who my favorite character is so far (I know I haven't met everyone yet since I'm still very early in the show), but I'll try and narrow it down for you. It's between three characters:
1) Willow - Well, it's Alyson Hannigan, and I love her, so of course she makes the list! Also, she cracks me up all the time, and I think if I were in junior high/high school I would have seriously related with her 'pining-for-the-guy-who-doesn't-like-you-back' thing. BUT! I just met Oz, sorta, so, I have hope!
2) Angel - Besides the fact that the guy is tall, dark and handsome, let's get something else straight. He's totally mysterious, and where there is intrigue, I WILL GO! Plus, his real name is Angellus, and that's almost the coolest thing I've ever heard.
3) Xander - I know this seems a little hypocritical of me, but I can't help myself. I find this guy hilarious. He makes me laugh in every episode. I don't really care that his eyebrows are funny looking, I mean, come on, haven't you seen Colin Farrell's brows? like whoa. Also, his new haircut is season 2 is seriously workin' for me, even if it does reveal his umm, ears. Yeah, so they stick out and are huge, but it's endearing.
There you have it. If only there was a ginger midget involved, I could die a happy person. Wait a second, I've had a thought. Could Seth Green be considered a ginger midget? Quite curious... ::slaps hand:: For shame!
Also, upon further review, it has been pointed out to me that my selection of three is basically half the cast at this point, so I'm fail with the narrowing of the list.
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