I know this hasn't been updated in a good 2-3 weeks, and I'm so sorry for that! Things have been busy, and topics have been scarce. But alas, the dry spell is over.
This past weekend, big things were happening. How big you ask? HUGE. We finally got our sh*t together and pounded out various query letters, and then emailed them into four different agents. Happily, we have already received one rejection, which is to be expected. The fates were against us from the start, between internet pooping out, overcast skies, caffeine headaches, and Microsoft crapping all over our documents, it seemed like we were climbing a literary Mount Everest. Anyways, the whole thing was nerve racking and stressful. In fact, it still feels like I might throw up, but I'd better get used to that.
But somewhere inside, it feels good. Another step in a process has been completed, so that no longer can we say "we should have tried". We'll never have those 'if's' nagging us. Which is nice. Not that it's nice to be rejected, but it's better than never knowing!
Anyways, just make sure to be sending out positive energy in the next few weeks and months. Hopefully some agents will pick up on it and say "hey! I'd love to work with these charming and talented girls!" lol, like that will happen. We'll probably have to use some voodoo or something. Not that I'm above voodoo. Cuz I'm not.
I'll post a movie review while I'm here and typing. This past weekend brought us The Crazies. Starring the interesting and intriguing Timothy Olyphant. I did enjoy it. This movie had its tense moments, a small bit of gore and a dash of conspiracy thrown in. Plus, it didn't necessarily take itself too seriously. There were jokes tossed in, as well as real life reactions to certain events. I found myself saying, "yeah, I would totally do something like that in this situation". Which is refreshing. Because usually, girls in scary movies run around screaming and then stand in the corner shivering until they get axed. I much prefer the BOOM!Headshot myself. Plus, Timothy Olyphant gets more interesting every time I see him.
That's a pretty good blank stare, yet you know in his head he's like "oh sh*t, a zombie is coming and I'm really tired after that crazy bitch stabbed me through the hand and tied up my pregnant wife. Why does this satellite keep following me around? That many burned corpses would probably smell worse than my reaction made it seem..."
Back to the subject! I recommend this movie if you are into zombie-esque survival conspiracy type stuff. I'm not the biggest fan of huge amounts of gore, which made this movie awesome, because it used gore in targeted areas for greater effect. I could probably drone on about this for a while, so I'll stop instead. I don't need to bore you with an uber analysis of a film like The Crazies, which probably doesn't deserve an uber analysis.
A film that does deserve one is Shutter Island. However, I'm not sure I have the mental capacity to take on the great Martin Scorsese. I will say that if you are into seeing the work of Scorsese, this is a MUST SEE. But, try not to think too much, and try not to go when a bunch of fifteen year-olds are sitting around whispering how they don't understand anything because they've never read a freaking book so they just call the movie "retarded". Ugh. I'm not bitter, I swear.
Alright, that about does it for me today.
*positive thoughts!*