I have many examples, all hilarious, and all frustrating. I mentioned the first last week...Chace Crawford (whose hair was still stupid this week, OBVIOUSLY the right people aren't reading this blog, no offense).
Exhibit A - Hayden What's-with-your-fake-ass-hair? (Panettiere)
She donned a wig a few seasons ago, and it totally looked fake, I mean you could tell. This is perplexing because her hair is blonde and that exact length, so what's with the plastic strands????
Exhibit B - Stana Mullet-tastic (Katic)
She plays the detective opposite of Nathan Fillion on "Castle", and last night her hair did something that I no longer thought happened on TV unless it was for a joke. Yeah, that's right, it was a full-on Mullet. Woof. The worst part about the entire ordeal is that in mid-episode there was a bet going on, and whoever lost would have to shave their heads. Now, please fake people on TV, don't tease me like that.
Exhibit C - Milo Cut-it-off-please! (Ventimiglia)
The first season of "Heroes", he had this crazy thing going on where half his face was covered by a swoop of untamed hair. Let's just say, I hated it. It looked so ridiculous that I started imitating him by putting my hand over my right eye everytime he came on screen. It dissappeared for a while, but then I stopped watching. Now, those two things have nothing to do with each other...I think...
Exhibit D - Jared Its-about-to-take-flight-watch-out! (Padalecki)
This screenshot isn't the exact one I was looking for, but it gives you an idea of total crazy that was growing from atop big J's head.
I'm sorry, Ginormotron, but you had to make this list for that single episode when it actually looked like your hair had sprouted wings and was going to fly away in the wind. If y'all don't know what I'm talking about, you should check it out. It is from "Supernatural", season 2, episode 2, called "Everybody Loves a Clown". Ah, what a good episode...
BUT. Now that the almighty hair has been tamed down by growth and product, we can't really make fun of it anymore, but damn. DAMN! Didn't someone in production take a look at the dailies and notice that his hair was so friggin' crazy that day that the audience doesn't even remember what they were talking about in that scene? Seriously! If there is going to be a reason I forget what happens in a particular scene, the reason better be that someone's clothes came off. (PS you can thank me later for how many posts will feature a picture of one of the two above hotties--errr--I mean actors).
Now, I know there are a lot more, however, I just don't have the space to list them all in detail. The above are just some of my favorites, and they are all from shows I like (or did in the past), so I say that it's ok if I make fun of them.
If you have any favorites, please make sure to share. Remember, we like laughing at the expense of others!!
Now we come full circle back to the point. Bad hair. You know what? It doesn't only happen to celebrities either. I remember this one time I had the most vile haircut done at stupid 'Great Clips' (never ever go there ever ever ever). I actually threw a tantrum. No really, I did. I was chucking crap around and stomping my feet. Granted, I was about ten years old and we had a family picture the next day, but the past is the past! You learn from your mistakes (never get a cheap haircut, and always tell them a few inches longer than you actually want it cut).
Another word of advice. Sun-in is gross. It makes your hair orange (and not in the awesome Leeloo Dallas way).