Thank you to all of those out there reading this blog! Today we celebrate our was a week ago today the first post was published! Yay! In honor of said event, I say everyone gets a cookie. As you probably realize, I cannot give you that cookie, so you will have to get it yourself, but know that I will be there with you as you enjoy it!
Moving on to other issues.
I'm not sure if there was any big news this weekend because I was very busy.
...and by busy I mean not watching news. Half of me was either studying or watching a forever marathon of "Robin Hood" (the amazing BBC television series that completes my life with its witty British humor and equally humorous haircuts). The other half spent the weekend trying to get through that HUUUGGEEE book (I'm not kidding, I've had other people look at it, and their eyes pop out of their heads), seeing movies (more on this later), or watching a bizarre amount of television. Oh yes, and the Bears game. If anyone deserves a cookie, its Jay Cutler. However, I know not all readers are Bears fans, so I will keep this thing goin'.
Over the glorious and much too short weekend, I was able to catch two films (I can almost feel the jealousy oozing through the internet). I saw "Pandorum" and "Fame". If you are amazed at my range, please remember that I am awesome. Jeez, I really am full of myself today, no?
Let's start with "Pandorum". I got through the previews just perfectly. Then the lights went down, I clutched at my purse and looked at my companions and said this: "I shouldn't be here, this was a mistake, I need to go home" ...because it was at that moment when I remembered how much I was freaked out by "Event Horizon", and this movie was supposed to be just like it, but with Dennis Quaid. :sigh:
This movie was a surprising treat. It made me jump a few times (which isnt that hard, but considering I watch movies of this genre through my hands, sometimes it can be difficult), and I was definitely on the edge of my seat. Also? I didn't see the end coming at all. But take my liking of this film with a grain of salt, considering "Waterwold" is a solid favorite. If you're gonna see this one, do it at the theatre, the loudness of the soundtrack really added to the suspense, and I think that would be lost at home.
Next up is "Fame". This movie had its moments, and then it had a lot more moments that just kept on going. Some of the music was cool, the finale was pretty great, but it could have been put together a little better. But hey, at least it got the theme song stuck in my head for 36 hours. It's a rental...(this next bit is supposed to be in Barney Stinson's voice, and if you don't get the reference you must immediately check your pulse, and if you are alive, get out from underneath the that rock and rent "How I Met Your Mother") or...OR just listen to the music on iTunes.
Lastly, I just thought I'd let you all know that my family thinks I'm nuts. Why you ask? How could that be, you seem perfectly normal? Right? Right? I know!!!!
I'll tell you why. Over the past week, I've done some serious purchasing off of Amazon. I now have a pile of books that need to be read, and it just keeps getting taller. I feel like it is becoming an addiction or something, and that sometime in the future, I'll need to start my posts with this message: "Hi, my name is Sam and I'm an Amazon-aholic"...the first step is admitting your problem, people. or...OR buying another book (maybe a self help one?)
Until tomorrow!
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