I don't like it when people have multiple dogs of the same breed. It bothers me. Pinpointing the exact cause of this example is difficult, because it is somewhat irrational and stupid. No offense to any of you out there you have more than one dog of the same breed, btw. I love dogs too, it's just that I would never have like...a copy of one running around?? I mean, having the same breed at different times is ok (like if one dies, and you acquire another), but there is just something about seeing someone walk two of the same dogs around the neighborhood that drives me bonkers. I think it is the repetitive nature of the thing, but I couldn't be sure. I don't think most people know this about me, so there you have it!!
I don't like it when an actor dies in a similar fashion in multiple movies. It bothers me. Once again, its hard to put my finger on the exact reason for this pet peeve. Example: Jared Padalecki. Not only does he die via getting his skin ripped off (because of a sandstorm) in "The Flight of the Phoenix", but he dies in a similar fashion in "House of Wax", when his skin gets peeled off by one of his jackass friends after he is encased in wax. ::shiver:: I need to go to my happy place for a moment, brb. ... ... ... ok, I'm back. Anyway, I know there are other examples of this kind of thing, it's just that this example is fresh in my mind because I watched one of the movies this weekend. The sad part of this story was I watched "Flight of the Phoenix" because I suddenly remembered Jared Padalecki was in it, but then remembered too late that he died...then remembered really really too late the manner in which he died. I'm such a fail.
I don't like it when authors (or anyone for that matter) uses the same word twice and back-to-back in a sentence. It bothers me. Almost everyone does it...except me of course. You know what I'm talking about, right? I can't give an example, because I refuse to type it. It's just too repetitive and makes my eyes bleed. I get super angry and hulk out. I do avoid those types of sentences at all costs. If I have a thought that requires a repetitive word, I will change the entire paragraph (if needed) just so I don't have to type the same word twice. I know its crazy, but I can't change what bothers me.
I don't like it when TV stations play the same episode of a show back-to-back. It bothers me. I mean, seriously, what the hell.
I don't like it when people tell me the same UN-funny stories over and over again. It bothers me. Mostly this happens with the elderly or people at work, so I can't tell them to shut the hell up, but it also happens on News Networks. BUT in that case I can just change the channel. If only there was a mute button for people...
Are you just as amazed as I am about how many things which are repetitive in nature bother me? I wasn't really aware of this until I sat down to write this entry. Maybe I'm more eccentric than I first thought. or...OR
wait...I just did that. Oh, I figured it out. There is an ellipsis between them. See, an ellipsis actually soothes my mind, which is why I use them so much. I'm addicted to their use, and I have been trying to ween myself from them, but it's just.so.hard.
Ah, review time!!
Went and saw "2012" this weekend. Totally go see it, it's worth it. The special effects were great, and it was a lot of fun. I just really enjoy end of the world movies, plus this one counts as a "Waterworld" prequel, which makes it even better. Also? Woody Harrelson eats pickles, lots of pickles.
I guess its time to reward whoever finished the post.
OOHhhhh, I see how it is. You thought you were going to get a picture of hot guy, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU!?!?! I see I have conditioned you well, grasshopper. However, one COULD argue that the above picture is of Jared Padalecki.
WHAT?! You don't agree!? Bitch, please.
See? Puppy.
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