It has been decided that I am taking myself and I (both halves) on a road trip. Granted, its not until May-ish, but planning is the love of my life (at least when its about something fun). There will be many adventures, and I have to decide on how to document them in the best way possible to post on this blog. Since we fully intend to NOT post pictures of our faces here, we have to figure out how to accomplish a successful road trip photo session sans above the shoulders. If you have any ideas, please fill us in. We enjoy long as they aren't immature and of delinquent nature (lol who am I kidding, send in any ideas).
Also, if anybody has any suggestions of where to stop in a cross-country adventure, feel free to let us know.
Though we have already set out some guidelines:
1) We will be taking a GPS, but it will be under lock and key, reserved for only 'emergency situations'
2) We will be bringing some of our own food so we don't die of heart attacks mid-trip thanks to diner food
3) There will be no sleeping in the car, we have over-stimulated imaginations
4) If we are going to get arrested, we have to plan to do it in an area where we won't end up in a scary jail (you know, like in Arkansas or something...creepy)
5) We will never get lost, as long as we stay in the continental United States, we're totally cool
I can hear some of you already thinking to yourselves, are you seriously not using the GPS? I answer you. Yes. GPS's are for pansies. Besides, we don't intend on getting ourselves into one of these plotlines:
(from DELIVERANCE...we'll try to run if banjos appear)
(from THE HITCHER...I really hope one of us doesn't get torn in half by a psychotic Sean Bean)

(from WRONG TURN...this is probably plausible)
(from REST STOP...if we don't drink too much Tantrum, we shouldn't have to pee every two miles)
Yes. I think we can avoid most of these fates. Besides, we're awesome.
However, there is one scenario we are kind of hoping for:
...wait, no that's not quite it...wait for it... funny but not what I had in mind...closer...this next one should be it...
Dean: Holy crap!
Sam: Did you see those two chicks drive by in that Rav-4?!
Dean: Did you get their plates?
Sam: No.
Dean: Sonofabitch!!
Perfect. A girl can dream.
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