Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Authors We Trust...

Hello all!

Sorry for the delay of postings this week, it's just that I haven't been overly inspired to write anything.

However, things have changed.

Last night was the State of the Union, and DAMN did our President let those naughty Republicans have it! I'm glad someone around here isn't afraid to tell them that they have been douche bags for a year. You go Obama!

Even though it was awesome, and I could probably rant about the lame Republican response for a few paragraphs, I won't subject you all to that, at least not today.

Instead, I would like to discuss Authors. Well, authors and the things (mostly books, but sometimes blogs) they write.

Here we go!

First we'll discuss truly disgraceful pieces and talk about why they sucked so hard. Then we'll talk about awesome works and fan the author's ego a little bit (not that they read this stuff, but you know what I'm saying).

In the last year and a half, I have read only several books that I actually hated, I will list them here so you don't (although half of you have probably already read at least one of these) make the same mistake as I did.

1) Evermore, by Alyson Noel. I think I might have briefly mentioned this book before, but let me break down why it was so bad. First, the characters were whiny bitches (this will be a continual theme down the list) that I didn't like and wanted to die. Now, I have read other books when the main character didn't do much for me, but at least I didn't want them dead. Second, it was not written very well, and the imagery sucked. This book also happens to be the first in a series, and I have absolutely no craving to continue it. Plus, there were tulips, so. many. tulips. It's as if the author got hit with a stupid stick and never recovered.

2) Wicked: Witch & Curse, by Nancy Holder. This is also part of a series, one which I will never ever finish. The weird thing about this book, is that what I purchased contained the first two books (Witch & Curse), so the thing was pretty big. I only made it through Witch. Beyond that, I had no patience for the author or her poorly devised characters. It bounced around a lot and was pretty bizarre. People fell in love for no reason, and these crazy flashbacks were supposed to explain things, but only made the plot worse. Making me hate a book because of flashbacks was really quite a feat, considering LOST is one of my favorite shows (note the extensive use of flashbacks). Plus, a quarter of the book was in french, and they never tell you what it meant. Yes, I know, I could have translated it online, but then...I didn't really care. Did I mention the characters complained about everything? At least be funny if you are going to have your characters be lil bitches. Lastly, who the f*ck writes something into their book like this little gem? "My loins were on fire as my bride stood next to me." Yeah, I know out of context it sounds even worse (like maybe he should get some ointment or something), but believe me, it was just as ridiculous in the book itself.

3) Breaking Dawn, by Stephanie Meyer. The problem here was that I had certain expectations of what the story would be, and none of them (let me repeat NONE OF THEM) were met. This, was very disappointing. Things she did wrong in this book were many, and I'm not even sure there are enough hours in the day for my list to be complete. I'll just fill you in a few of the highlights that made me gag: fountain of blood, psychic babies, ridiculous pregnancies, no deaths, "imprinting" fail, and of course Bella (the whiniest character I have ever met, come on, you know you wanted to hit her. Hard). If I never have to see this book again, it will be a good day. I think what pissed me off the most was that Meyer made us care about some of these characters over the course of three books, then, she destroyed everything (and not in the fun literary way of physical torture, war and bombs). No, instead, she completely panzied out and wrote a fail book that really deserved the SMACK! it felt when it got thrown against my living room wall.

Ok, time for some happy thoughts with authors we enjoy!

1) Graceling, by Kristin Cashore. If you haven't picked up one of her novels, I HIGHLY suggest you start with this book. Her prose and style are utterly fantastic. You can tell that she has put a lot of time and passion into her books, and you will fall in love with all of the characters, I guarantee it. Unfortunately, I have nothing but praise for Kristin, because the blog she writes every week is just as awesome. I love her constant enthusiasm for writing, and the advice she gives. She is just about everything I strive to be when I write, though my prose will never match her genius (but that's ok, it takes all kinds, right?).

2) Shiver, by Maggie Stiefvater. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this, because the title weirded me out. I know, I know...but it did!! However, I am so glad I did read it, because the characters were so rich, and the relationships were so incredibly real. Once my pile of "to be read" is depleted, I fully intend on reading this one again.

3) Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins. What I admire most about this series is that they are Young Adult novels, but they carry a serious message. They are written extremely well, and the characters come to life in your head. You don't want them to die (and of course some of them do, because it's about fighting to the death..duh), unlike some of the books previously mentioned. What I like best about these books is that the characters aren't lil bitches, sure they have faults, but those faults don't overshadow everything else into suck-i-tude.

So, what have we learned today? You probably learned that I dislike bitch characters with pansy authors. I learned that sometimes you have to kill, maim, and otherwise torture your characters until your story is as awesome as it can be. Another thing that helps is leaving out ridiculous phrases, like, hmmm...oh yeah! 'fountain of blood'


Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Dance Party

For those How I Met Your Mother fans out there, you will be sure to get this post better than most, but I will do my best to explain it.

One of the characters, Robin, hosts an early morning segment of local news. The other characters often make fun of her because no one watches it, because it is on too early. In the past, I have often thought to myself, who does watch the news when its on at 4:30 am? Then I think, well probably no one.

Friends, I have some important news. Apparently, no one is watching at 6:55 on Friday mornings either. How do I know this? Simple. I turned on the television this morning to the local NBC channel at 6:55 am, and what I witnessed was something straight out of How I Met Your Mother.

All of a sudden, the traffic guy goes, "and now it's time for the Friday Dance Party! This week we'll be dancing to the song 'Tik-Tok', and I don't even know why...hit it!" And then the music started, and he began to fist pump like a champ. Then, out of nowhere this other man that looked to be a camera man jumped in and started dancing too. Then, it cut to the anchors dancing around some room. Then, it cut to the White Sox mascot dancing around, then the entire work force of the news station seemed to join in. Everyone was dancing. It kept cutting back to the traffic guy, and man did he have some moves. For serious. I always imagined he was a rather up tight guy, maybe they gave him some crack this morning. Anyways, this Friday Dance Party went on for about two minutes, and I stared in shock at my television.

Then, I thought to myself. I must be the only person watching one will believe me. Then I knew I had to be the only person watching this, because why else would they do that? Let's be serious, no one watches the local news before 6 pm, so they are free to have their on-air dance parties.

But, what confuses me most was the White Sox mascot. Did they steal it? Why was it there? Its not baseball season...I, I, just don't know.

The worst part about all of this is that now that song is stuck in my head. And I don't like that song.

Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don't stop, no...


If you still don't believe me, or wish to witness the amazing NBC 5 Chicago Friday Dance Party for yourself, please tune in next Friday at 6:55 am to see what they will dance to and witness the glory of the Traffic guy's fist pumping moves.

Don't stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'mma fight
'Til we see the sunlight

::fist pump::


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fashion Notes For Future Award Shows To Self:

The below people in the categories are in no specific order, there was no ranking system involved.

We Could Rock This Sh*t, AKA Best Dressed

Sandra Bullock - She wore the hell out of the purple dress, plus her hair was perfect, and did we mention the color! mmmm.

Toni Collette - Not usually a big fan of hers, but her dress was just too sparkly and pretty to pass up on the list. Also, if you're gonna do gold, please do it like this!

Lea Michele - Who said black was boring?! LOOK at that dress! If you want to look classy but still up on the style, go with the poof, but tone it down with the black color. Fantastic.

Kate Hudson - The structure of this dress is very cool, and it looks great on her. If people are going to say that you look like a wedding cake at the end of the night, at least look like the delicious kind, she totally pulled it off.

Penelope Cruz - She looked so sexy and sultry in this dress, its absolutely fantastic, another black dress makes the list!

Jennifer Garner - This dress was perfect for her, it fit her like a glove, the lines and shape of it were fantastic, plus, did we mention sparkly?

Kristin Bell - The always adorable Kristin Bell totally worked this short white dress all night long. Sometimes it seems like she can pull anything off.

Zoe Saldana - Although she took some flack for this one, I happen to love the color against her skin, and give her credit for the different style. So maybe she should have worn blue?? Eh, she's probably sick of that joke by now.

Avoid Like the Plague, AKA Worst Dressed

Cameron Diaz - It's not that I hate red, it's just that it sucks in this dress and on her. For real.

Anna Paquin - Did you notice how we had sparkly dresses above?? Did you notice how this sparkles like the friggin' sun?? Jesus! Plus, there are sleeves...what happened here??

Tina Fey - ::shakes head:: this was just weird. I don't get it.

Drew Berrymore - I'll repeat myself...sparkly chia pet on shoulder and hip? I'm afraid for her.

Julia Roberts - Talk about dressing down for the Golden Globes. I can't tell if she even went shopping for that dress, or just robbed some ancient Egyptian tomb for that pendant medallion thing.

Chole Sevigny - Ruffles. Oh god, all the ruffles, and not the good kind (the potato chips). It's like "Attack of the Ruffles: Part Two, How They Ate That Girl From 'Big Love'".


Monday, January 18, 2010

I Like A Drink As Much As The Next Man, Unless...

That man is Mel Gibson!

And the Zinger award of the night goes to Ricky Gervais everyone!!

That was hilarious.

I'm going to have a "Wrap Up" of the best and worst dressed tomorrow for you guys, I have to rewatch the red carpet coverage and compile my list tonight. So, today I'll just talk about the actual awards a little bit.

Best Animated Feature went to Up. I was excited about that, because that movie was just so gosh darn cute! It really deserved it.

Not surprisingly, Best Actress in a Comedy went to Meryl Streep. At least she still has her humility. I mean, I love the woman, but COME ON!

Drew Barrymore took home Best Actress in a Mini-series. Did you guys see the sparkly chia pet on her shoulder??...more on that frightening development tomorrow.

Best Television Drama went to Mad Men...again. I was really holding out for True Blood. damn.

Best Director went to James Cameron. I had a strange reaction to this. Part of me wasn't sure if he deserved it, but the other part of me was like, dood, the Cameron should take this home because, well, did you see Avatar?!

Best Television Musical or Comeday. GLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I freaked.

Best Movie, Comedy. This was surprising, it went to The Hangover. I was kind of rooting for (500) Days of Summer, but I mean, the winner was just so funny, and I'm not gonna lie about wanting to see Bradley Cooper on stage in a tux. mmm, that man is simply delicious.

Best Actor in a Comedy...Robert Downey Jr.! yay! I believe the exact quote when he won that came out of my mouth was this: "I'm so proud of him that he stopped doing so many drugs so he could give us such fun movies!" I never claimed to be articulate, and I was just so happy. Plus, he did look rather ravishing in that outfit, did he not??

Let's skip ahead to Best Picture, Drama. DRUM ROLL PLZ!! Dun dun dun dun DUN! Avatar ...I shrieked. Pretty cool that a sci-fi film got to win for best picture. Oh Mr. Cameron, only you can take it to the house.

I know I skipped some categories, but I think I covered the pretty good ones. Other highlights were Harrison Ford taking the stage and seeming grumpy as usual (he just hadn't punched a Nazi yet that day, cheer up Harry). Chace Crawford and Taylor Lautner also presented some things so we could see their pretty pretty pretties. Oh! And Colin Farrell said "balls", as is his custom in formal situations.

Be sure to read in tomorrow for the full post of Best/Worst Dressed, you know there will be witty humor, and you know you don't want to miss it!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let's Talk Some Smack

Oh, have I been waiting for another one of these!! It's time for a little "talking smack" about Mr. Pat Robertson. If you are unaware of sir douchebag extraordinaire, I suggest you google "Pat Robertson Haiti Comments" and then literally sh*t yourself after reading what he said.

Apparently, according to Crazy, the people of Haiti "got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.'" Yeah, he said that. So, now, the only logical thing to assume about the massive devastation that occurred because of the earthquake on Tuesday is that God is making the people of Haiti pay for their pact with the devil.


I mean, I know he says this kind of stuff all the time. But really. An entire country? You are blaming an entire country?? He DOES realize that people who weren't Haitians were killed/injured during this thing, right? So, how do they factor in?? Oh right, he is CRAZY.

Wait, he didn't even stop there. "True story," he continued. "And the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another."

I don't know about that, Pat. You really think they made a deal with the devil to get rid of the French?? I mean, THE FRENCH? Are we thinking about the same people here? I didn't think it was that hard to get rid of them. Just take away their cigarettes, bring in some Americans and possibly George W. Bush, and I think they would leave. I'm not trying to be anti-France or anything, but seriously, it can't be that hard to get rid of them. Devil pacts? That's a little extreme. If the ENTIRE country was going to make a pact with the devil (think about the logistics of that btw, if they could organize themselves for the devil, couldn't they organize themselves in other ways as well?), wouldn't they have asked for something more awesome? Like, I don't know, NOT being a third world country???

...Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning in stupidity.

What's that? You want to talk some more smack? OK!

I also heard that Rod Blagojevich is getting his own talk show, though I think its on the radio. Number one: who is giving this man a job? Number two: that kind of thing requires guests...who will go on his show? Number three: isn't he going to jail soon?

Lastly, I saw today that our favorite President of all our Presidents, George W. Bush, is going to lead in an effort to help the people of Haiti. Is it bad that the first thing that came to mind was when Kanye West said that infamous thing about George Bush hating black people? Now, I'm not coming down on either side of the argument, I'm going to look at this through a historical perspective. Remember how Katrina happened and it sucked for everyone? This is like, a lot worse. So, how about Bush stays in Texas hiding at his ranch just like he did for the maj-

::Kanye West takes away key board::

Imma let you finish. But Haiti had one of the biggest earthquakes of ALL time. ALL TIME! Oh, and George Bush hates black people.

::Kanye West gives back key board::

Sorry about that, guys. He is a little surly today. I don't really know what I was going to talk about next, so I think I'll just leave it at this:

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people of Haiti, and their relatives here in the U.S.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Never Say I Didn't Warn Ya

What the heck is going on? Have you looked at the news stories today? It's like the world is ending or something. Well, maybe not ending, but at least its going down the sh*tter.

First, I wake up and learn that Simon Cowell is leaving American Idol. I don't even watch that show, but I know that has to be some kind of sign. I don't need crop circles telling me that aliens are invading, I just look to who is judging American Idol. No Simon? No Paula? It's like something right out of the end of a Stephen King novel. If you didn't get that reference, I'll explain it to you. It's always aliens. Always.

Next, I go online and see that people are now calling Avatar racist. It's actually some weird backwards argument that makes sense in an alternate universe where FOX News is actually fair and balanced and mullets are never out of style. So, this of course means that people's minds are being invaded by ...yes, aliens. Cuz it's always aliens.

Then, I see a story titled, "Fla. Grandmother Forgotten In Jail for 15 Days". This poor 78 year old lady was arrested on traffic violations, handcuffed and thrown in jail for two weeks, didn't get to see a lawyer or anything. Personally, I'm not sure I should actually call her a "poor little old lady", she is probably an alien. Yeah, I bet she is. I just wonder if she was a good alien that was taken into custody wrongly or a bad alien that broke out wearing some grandmother's skin like a dress to prom night. Ew, why did I say that?

Now, I'm looking at a story about Sarah freakin' Palin being a contributor on FOX News, possibly making her debut appearance on Bill O'Reilly's laugh-a-lot-hour. What is happening, people? What is going on in the world?? Ugh. The only good thing to come of this will be the hilarious sound bytes that Keith Olberman will be able to use on a daily basis. I'm not sure how aliens factor into this one though. It can't be as simple as Palin is one of them, because really, would they want her?? No, that's a definite no. Perhaps she is harboring them in Alaska. Maybe they were the ones who told her she could see Russia from her house as a joke. Perhaps they are good natured aliens after all!! Well, at least they have a sense of humor.

Yup, basically these are all signs that the world is crashing down around us. I'm not saying that you will wake up tomorrow to find earthquakes and tornadoes destroying the world. I'm just saying that the aliens are here, and apparently Stephen King has been right all along. They are taking away our sanity slowly, so that in the end, they can wipe us out easily. All they needed was the destruction of a wildly popular reality series competition, the cutting down of the second highest grossing movie of all time, the disgusting neglect of an old woman, and Sarah Palin voicing her opinions.

Then again, this probably should have clued us in:

effing crop circles.


Thursday, January 7, 2010 I-Hate-You

It's like death, but worse. Yeah, you heard me. We are weeks upon weeks into this winter's hiatus and it has almost killed me. However, tomorrow brings back Dollhouse, even though that will be short lived because there are about three more episodes left (I hate you FOX).

In two more weeks, though, the shows come back (except for Glee, because, once again, FOX is dumb)!

I can't wait for my shows to make me sane again, because this Buffy obsession is really quite unhealthy, it is starting to seep into my dreams. Do you guys remember (of course you don't, because I didn't write the blog at this point in my life) when I watched too much Supernatural (I know, it's hard to believe that's possible), and I started having weird dreams about it? Like, really weird? Yeah, well now that's happening with Buffy. But, I can't stop, because there is simply nothing else to watch! As a side note, my arms are getting tired from doing my Buffy theme dance every time I watch an episode. rawr. I just can't stop myself, the 90's rockin' theme song gets me every time! ::fist pump::

Speaking of the 90's, did we really wear that weird stuff that frequents this show? I mean, yeah, I know we did. Between the short sweaters, ugly boots, uber small skirts, butterfly hair clips, and complete lack of jeans, I wonder how we all looked in the mirror and thought "damn I look awesome today". It really is a good question, isn't it. (notice I didn't put a question mark there, cuz its not a question, its a statement).

Oh OH! I forgot the white lipstick/lip gloss thing. It really made girls look like night-walkers (and even though I'm talking about Buffy, I don't mean vampires here, I mean hookers). I can't believe my mom let me wear that stuff.

So, now I'm going to discuss one specific wardrobe choice that I found very odd in the show. I'm not sure which season, or even which episode it was in (it was in the first three for sure), but in this scene, Buffy is incredibly sad. She is all angsty and about to cry. Now...I would have felt bad for her, except the shirt she was wearing just made me laugh. I couldn't bring myself to get into the scene, because it was just so ridiculous. You'll see what I mean when you look down. ::giggles::





See? It's a bright pink leopard shirt!! What the hell?! Also? I can't believe I found that picture online, out of all the seasons, and all the clothes she wore that were ridiculous, I'm glad I wasn't the only one to find this ensemble as hilarious as I did. I mean, what person working on the show in his or her right mind would have thought this was a good idea? I mean, seriously, Joss??? This is what I imagine in my head...

Sarah Michelle Gellar (SMG from now on): I have a super serious scene to shoot today. What's the wardrobe?

Wardrobe Dolt: Well, we have a few choices for you.

SMG: Black, grey,'s all so boring and sad!

Wardrobe Dolt: Yeah, I know, but what can we do about it?

Joss Whedon: Hey guys! I'm awesome! Also, please don't f*ck up my carefully crafted scene with a bright pink leapord shirt, ok?

SMG and Wardrobe Dolt: Ok!

::Joss Whedon exits::

SMG: So do you have a bright pink leapord shirt?

Wardrobe Dolt: Yeah, but we were saving that for the next time you die!

SMG: Close enough!

Wardrobe Dolt: Ok!!

Yeah, that's how it goes in my head. Stupid WB.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun evening ringing in the new year. Mine was boring (well, not boring, I just didn't actually do much, which is actually kind of fantastic), but let's not discuss that.

It was a lovely four day weekend, filled with a plethora of nothing that totally filled me with joy. I watched an almost unhealthy amount of Buffy, and saw two movies!

My reviews as follows:

Have You Heard About the Morgans?
I was excited about seeing this, it looked funny, and I have a weak spot for Hugh Grant's humor. Here is the sad part...all the really funny parts were in the previews, I'm not even kidding. Every. Single. One. Also, they underused Hugh Grant, which is unbelievable. His mumbling and awesomely British one liners were kept to a minimum, and I was upset. Don't go see it, if you are bored, you can rent it later, or just watch the preview on youtube, since those were actually the only funny parts.

Up in the Air I enjoyed this movie, it was pretty good. I recommend going to see it. Thought its definitly not a straight up comedy or drama or anything like that, it has its hilarious moments, and sobering ones. George Clooney was great (as always), and Anna Kendrick was surprisingly good (it was refreshing to see a Twilight alum be less twitchy and more, well, awesome). The only complaint (if you can call it that, it's more like an observation) I had was that the pacing was a little bizarre. In my opinion, it didn't flow right, but maybe I'm just a big dumbie and missed something. Oh well.

Here is to hoping that 2010 brings us a sh#t load of awesome!
