One of the characters, Robin, hosts an early morning segment of local news. The other characters often make fun of her because no one watches it, because it is on too early. In the past, I have often thought to myself, who does watch the news when its on at 4:30 am? Then I think, well probably no one.
Friends, I have some important news. Apparently, no one is watching at 6:55 on Friday mornings either. How do I know this? Simple. I turned on the television this morning to the local NBC channel at 6:55 am, and what I witnessed was something straight out of How I Met Your Mother.
All of a sudden, the traffic guy goes, "and now it's time for the Friday Dance Party! This week we'll be dancing to the song 'Tik-Tok', and I don't even know why...hit it!" And then the music started, and he began to fist pump like a champ. Then, out of nowhere this other man that looked to be a camera man jumped in and started dancing too. Then, it cut to the anchors dancing around some room. Then, it cut to the White Sox mascot dancing around, then the entire work force of the news station seemed to join in. Everyone was dancing. It kept cutting back to the traffic guy, and man did he have some moves. For serious. I always imagined he was a rather up tight guy, maybe they gave him some crack this morning. Anyways, this Friday Dance Party went on for about two minutes, and I stared in shock at my television.
Then, I thought to myself. I must be the only person watching one will believe me. Then I knew I had to be the only person watching this, because why else would they do that? Let's be serious, no one watches the local news before 6 pm, so they are free to have their on-air dance parties.
But, what confuses me most was the White Sox mascot. Did they steal it? Why was it there? Its not baseball season...I, I, just don't know.
The worst part about all of this is that now that song is stuck in my head. And I don't like that song.
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don't stop, no...
If you still don't believe me, or wish to witness the amazing NBC 5 Chicago Friday Dance Party for yourself, please tune in next Friday at 6:55 am to see what they will dance to and witness the glory of the Traffic guy's fist pumping moves.
Don't stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'mma fight
'Til we see the sunlight
::fist pump::
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