In two more weeks, though, the shows come back (except for Glee, because, once again, FOX is dumb)!
I can't wait for my shows to make me sane again, because this Buffy obsession is really quite unhealthy, it is starting to seep into my dreams. Do you guys remember (of course you don't, because I didn't write the blog at this point in my life) when I watched too much Supernatural (I know, it's hard to believe that's possible), and I started having weird dreams about it? Like, really weird? Yeah, well now that's happening with Buffy. But, I can't stop, because there is simply nothing else to watch! As a side note, my arms are getting tired from doing my Buffy theme dance every time I watch an episode. rawr. I just can't stop myself, the 90's rockin' theme song gets me every time! ::fist pump::
Speaking of the 90's, did we really wear that weird stuff that frequents this show? I mean, yeah, I know we did. Between the short sweaters, ugly boots, uber small skirts, butterfly hair clips, and complete lack of jeans, I wonder how we all looked in the mirror and thought "damn I look awesome today". It really is a good question, isn't it. (notice I didn't put a question mark there, cuz its not a question, its a statement).
Oh OH! I forgot the white lipstick/lip gloss thing. It really made girls look like night-walkers (and even though I'm talking about Buffy, I don't mean vampires here, I mean hookers). I can't believe my mom let me wear that stuff.
So, now I'm going to discuss one specific wardrobe choice that I found very odd in the show. I'm not sure which season, or even which episode it was in (it was in the first three for sure), but in this scene, Buffy is incredibly sad. She is all angsty and about to cry. Now...I would have felt bad for her, except the shirt she was wearing just made me laugh. I couldn't bring myself to get into the scene, because it was just so ridiculous. You'll see what I mean when you look down. ::giggles::
See? It's a bright pink leopard shirt!! What the hell?! Also? I can't believe I found that picture online, out of all the seasons, and all the clothes she wore that were ridiculous, I'm glad I wasn't the only one to find this ensemble as hilarious as I did. I mean, what person working on the show in his or her right mind would have thought this was a good idea? I mean, seriously, Joss??? This is what I imagine in my head...
Sarah Michelle Gellar (SMG from now on): I have a super serious scene to shoot today. What's the wardrobe?
Wardrobe Dolt: Well, we have a few choices for you.
SMG: Black, grey,'s all so boring and sad!
Wardrobe Dolt: Yeah, I know, but what can we do about it?
Joss Whedon: Hey guys! I'm awesome! Also, please don't f*ck up my carefully crafted scene with a bright pink leapord shirt, ok?
SMG and Wardrobe Dolt: Ok!
::Joss Whedon exits::
SMG: So do you have a bright pink leapord shirt?
Wardrobe Dolt: Yeah, but we were saving that for the next time you die!
SMG: Close enough!
Wardrobe Dolt: Ok!!
Yeah, that's how it goes in my head. Stupid WB.
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