I'm happy it's over though, now I can live in peace knowing how it all ended...or did it? Today I found a slight spin off book called "Law of Nines", I can't tell you what it's about because it would ruin the original series, but none of the characters previously known to us appear here, so I think I might try it at a later date.
Because!! Now I'm reading "Catching Fire", and oh man do I love this series. After that, it looks like I'll be either re-reading "The Host" or diving into a brand new series that I won't tell you about until I start it (mostly cuz it could end up being really really stupid).
In other news, today is Thursday (a sacred night of television) so I'm excited to go home and stare at the tv for a few hours of CW delights. Did you hear that they cancelled "The Beautiful Life"? lol. Cuz no one saw that coming.
Last, but not least, the coming weeks will bring us "2012". And, as my other half would love to tell you all, this also brings us to the subject of stealing. Yes, stealing. Now, I can almost hear you scratching your head, and asking me what the eff I'm talking about. Friends, I'm here to explain.
Have you ever gone to see a film and during one (or maybe a few OR MAYBE ALL) of the previews you say to yourself, 'jeez, I thought of that idea years ago'? If you are in the category who answered YES, you might find this next part of the post satisfying. If you answered NO, I'm sorry, but this might confuse you a little.
There are only so many ways that a writer can destroy the world, right? Wrong. It is almost infinite how many different options there are when a person would like to rid the planet of, well, the planet. Here is where I have a bone to pick. "2012" was thought up in a brain years before it was produced, but my angst doesn't stop there. No. Not even close. Everyone loves a good 'AND THEN! It was all over." movie, especially when the planet actually explodes! yay!! However, there is a shortage of films when the planet is actually saved, so who thought one up? If you don't know the answer to that question, you haven't been listening carefully.
Story-lining television shows before they air the next episode is one thing, but thinking up an entire movie, and then having it made (but not by you) is an entirely different level of f.m.l. I'm not about to make a list of films that I could have written (and possibly already have), but trust me, they exist. :sigh:
I'm not trying to slash the film down, I mean, I'm gonna go see it. Hell yeah for death on a global scale (when they are fake people and awesome! special effects). But, maybe now you'll think of me when you see the preview or as you sit in the dark theatre watching the near extermination of the human race. Lovely.
(wave to all the little people! they look so sad)
So! The next time you have that moment after a preview where you are speechless, not because you think the movie will be good, but because it seems like someone hacked into your brain...Just know that there are others out there like you. So, free hugs to everyone who thought of "2012" before it was made or any other 'AND THEN! It was all over.' movie that has been on the big screen for the past twenty years.
...f&$king Rolland Emmerich and his delicious films that are so quotable and excitably tacky.
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