Wednesday, October 7, 2009


You know the saying, "it takes all kinds"? I normally do believe that, in fact, it does take all kinds (to make the world go round). Variety is the spice of life and diversity is one of my favorite things. But there is one category of people, one human genre that I think we could all probably live without.

That's right. Creepers.

You know the type. The guy at Panera who stares at you from the moment you enter from the moment you leave (and not cause you look cute either. Cause you were wearing pajamas and looked gross. Not that I have ever experienced this or anything). Prolonged staring is socially unacceptable and sooo inappropriate.

Or the person your job forces you to call, and then they wind up talking to you about things that proper decorum states you do NOT disclose to a complete stranger, because it is INAPPROPRIATE. Again, not that this has happened to me.

Oooor the guy or girl who comes up to you in a bar, and despite all nonverbal signals indicating otherwise (lack of eye contact, texting, talking to other people in the general vicinity that are decidedly NOT this random stranger, or straight up ignoring them), seems to think you want him/her to talk to you for a prolonged period of time, like say, an hour and a half.

So, it takes all kinds? No, no it doesn’t. This behavior is unnecessary and annoying. And, lets face it, CREEPY. Stalking is never cool! Incessant badgering does not aid in the continuous cycling of the earth! CREEPERS DO NOT AID THE PLANET IN TURNING ON ITS AXIS. The planet will continue to orbit, as it always has (unless a meteor slams into it, or some otherwise cataclysmic event occurs) despite what behaviors the creepers of today decide to force on us this time.

Creepers take note: if people don't acknowledge you in conversation, stop talking to them. If the person on the other end of the phone tries to hang up FOUR TIMES, wrap up the convo! And seriously, stop with the staring. Its unnerving.

1 comment:

  1. lol. if someone walks away in a movie theatre while you are talking to them, this generally means "stop talking to me, weirdo".
