As I might have mentioned earlier, I attended a Taylor Swift concert this past weekend, and oh was it so awesome. That girl can put on a show! I totally recommend seeing her on her next tour!
The evening started off at Steak N Shake where we saw dozens upon dozens of little girls with glitter and bright colors and crazy things all over their t-shirts who would also be attending the concert, and we felt weird. (My 23 year old friends and I that is).
It was also cold. Very cold.
Then we got to the arena and stood in line for key chains/magnets that didn't exist. But, that's totally ok, because the rest of the night was sooooo worth the $62. Just wait.
We found our seats, which were pretty cool cuz we could see everything (except for this crazed 12 year old behind us whose scream literally knocked me forward every time it was unleashed). Then we sat and read all the texts that you could send to the jumbo screens before the concert. That was pretty funny, and yes, we did try sending some hilarious ones, but none made it up there...sad. BUT IT WAS ALL STILL WORTH IT. Wait for it...
Then the opening acts (Gloriana and Kellie Pickler) performed. I didn't know too many of their songs, but they were pretty good.
And then. There was Taylor Swift. She was awesome.
But that still isn't really the bestest part of the entire shabang. No. Because halfway through she started making her way through the audience, giving out hugs (awww) and whatnot. AND, as we were watching on the jumbo screen, all of a sudden a face appeared in the corner that we seemed to recognize. Hey, that kind of looks like Taylor Lautner. Taylor approached and hugged the look-a-like...
Wait. No. That's not a guy who looks like Taylor Lautner, that IS Taylor Lautner!
I then acted in such a manner which proves that should I ever meet a celebrity, I will NOT keep my cool. AT ALL.
We tried to get a picture, but since we reacted like any normal 23 year old--hormonal 13 year old--would, our pictures didn't come out right.
(Taylor and lots of her fans. None of whom are Taylor Lautner. I am actually a little shocked this is even clear, my hands were shaking so badly. I mean...)
BUT, you can view it on youtube and hear the crazy that occurred after his pretty little face disappeared.
Her closing numbers were totally great, and needless to say, we were in shock and awe on the drive home. We had to go to Denny's (what the hell else is open at 1:00 am where you can get these half donut-half pancake things called puppies?).
Then it was time to go home, but DAMN it feels good to be a teenager sometimes. Seriously. Do it.
Besides that, I saw "Couple's Retreat", which was funny, but I kind of don't remember it because Saturday night (the concert) blurred everything else.
Oh, I forgot perhaps the most interesting part of the evening! Shame on me. As the concert was starting, about six guys around the age of 20 sat in the section next to us. We noticed this because it seemed really weird, there were no girls with them and, well, it was just odd. We speculated a few theories but nothing really stuck until they left right after the Taylor Squared hug. Yeah, that's right. They were totally Taylor Lautner's friends. right? RIGHT?
(My sneak photo, taken before the taylor squared hug. It's not a good pic, but whatever)
It only makes sense, and we really should have followed them in retrospect. We'll know better for next time.
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