I sh#t you not, this is the headline I saw today:
"Dead Deer in Clown Suit Left on Iowa Porch"
...if you'd like to read the rest of the article it's here
Pretty amazing if you ask me.
So amazing, actually, that I'm about to do a mini-blog inside this Pickled Cucumber.
In the article, an Animal Control officer calls leaving a dead animal on a porch "illegal" and "immature". Alright, I have to give him the illegal part, even though I don't know the specifics of Iowa dead-animal law. BUT! I'd say the immature part isn't the leaving of the animal...it's the dressing it up in a clown suit.
Here's something else, and I know it's crossed your mind. Did they put a red nose and wig on it? Call me heartless, but I really want to know!
Can you imagine opening your door to find a dead Bambi in a clown suit with a red afro/nose combo greeting you? Genius.
Well...only if the deer was dead when they found it. I'm not saying we should all go shoot deer so we can dress them up in costumes and leave them on our weird neighbors' porches, EVEN if they deserve it.
So, kids, the lesson we learn today is this: If you happen to drive through Iowa and find a deer on the side of the road the only thing to do is to dress it up in a clown suit and drop it off on the nearest porch...maybe it's a culutral thing?
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