We have a revolution on our hands, and I say it's time to find the trickster who sparked the fire!
Yeah, that's right. A full blown revolution. I can see you there, scratching your head. You're asking yourself, who? Who is revolting? I laugh at you and say, not who BUT what?!
We need to pool all of our resources into finding out who was responsible for last week's My Cucumber Is Pickled story. Remember that one? About the dead deer in a clown suit left on someone's porch in Iowa?
Well, apparently, deer all over the country have heard of said episode and are showing their displeasure. If you don't belive me, feel free to read this article about a poor little boy who was charged by an adult buck near his home. Granted, no one was hurt...except for the deer. Try to imagine a 9 year old beating a buck with a stick until it will run away. Hard to imagine, no? I think that's because this is a lie. The 9 year old actually had a flame thrower and roasted the deer for dinner, just to show all the other deer of the forest what-the-f#ck is UP.
...damn liberal media never gets anything right. lies. This is just a cover up! The revolution is at hand!
(the deer, watching us)
So, I ask MSNBC, what were you thinking? You really ran two stories about deer two weeks in a row, and you didn't think I WOULD SEE?! Do you think I'm that dense?!
I pity you.
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