Behold, the most glorious conversation two 23 year-olds ever had...It actually consumed about 24 hours of time and intense thought. If you have theories one way or the other, feel free to jump in and give us your two cents! Before you read on, please make yourself aware of who Channing Tatum and Matthew Goode are. Oh? What's that? You'd like me to provide you with that information cuz you're lazy? Well, fine! I will! the debate commence!!! (and we're not telling you who is who, hence the code names)Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: I just watched two trailers, "Leap Year" and "Dear John"... you know, i would take channing tatum OR matthew goode. now if I HAD to choose, that would be difficult
Tate-yum: wait, what are you talking about? i feel like i missed something
oh wait, you watched both previews, and are deciding between them, if you had to choose....damn it, thats hard.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: yeah, it is. thankfully i won't ever have to make that decision because I don't think i could. wow, I REALLY don't know.
Tate-yum: ::thinks hard::
ok, pros and cons ... ...
goode: foreign and tall and dark
tatum: could be a little stupid
goode: could be a little stuck up
tatum: extremely well built and handsome
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: but stuck up could be fun
Tate-yum: however, goode would be more interesting on a minute by minute basis. plus, the accent
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: right, its a really challenging decision
Tate-yum: i think we should probably post this convo on the blog
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: lol, my relatives read the blog. that would be hilarious though
Tate-yum: uh yeah it would
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: my automatic reaction is to pick goode. but then I think about tatum, and forget why i picked goode in the first place ... ... until I think about his accent
Tate-yum: well, this sh#t is getting posted for sure. pick your name ...i'll be...
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: well we have not come to a conclusion yet
Tate-yum: so, we'll have to carry on later.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: like, tatum seems like the one less likely to "fall in love", which makes it sweeter. but matthew goode has that book-worm thing going for him, which often coincides with passion. which is cool. anyway. to be have lunch in like, two minutes
Tate-yum: yes i know i do, balls. hour and a half later...Tate-yum: ok, con to tatum, he's married. while goode has the whole tall and articulate thing
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: right
Tate-yum: oh, tatum could totally strip dance for you, and that might be awkward with goode. but the awkwardness could also lead to hilarity. however, for laughs with tatum, all you'd have to do is ask him to scream like he did in "She's the Man"
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: i was gonna mention that, actually . the stripper thing is a little odd, i think. but he can dance. where as I can't see matthew goode dancing.
Tate-yum: correct. no dancing.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: also. channing tatum is very intimidating with his shirt off. like, he looks so good that one could potentially feel self conscious
Tate-yum: um, i think you would be thinking about the fact that his shirt was off SO much, that you couldnt even have time to think about yourself? i mean, that's totally selfish, to think about yourself in that situation.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: this is true. ha, and a waste of like, brain functioning.
Tate-yum: here is the problem i'm having: i feel like if i pick tatum, i am basing it on looks and
then i feel shallow. and if i pick goode, its because he's british, which is shallow in its own right and then i have another thought, this just might possibly be the most shallow conversation i have ever had. so why the hell am i being weirded out by the shallowness of my decision? riddle me that.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: yeah, ive acknowledged and accepted this is one of the more vapid moments of my life, and basically thrown any guilt on the matter out the window and matthew goode is not only sexy because he is british.
Tate-yum: well then i guess we know who you are picking.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: I didn't say that, i just was defending matthew. Channing Tatum isn't only sexy because of his abs either. though they do help his cause.
Tate-yum: damn it. i thought we were getting close
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: are you any closer?
Tate-yum: i think i'm at like 55% vs. 45% ...because everytime i think of that one scene from GI Joe with the rain and the glasses and the motorcycle, i have a moment
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: oh yeah! i forgot about that moment! crap! i mean
matthew goode as it a distinct disadvantage here though
Tate-yum: lol
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: because of the movies he has done
Tate-yum: yeah. i know. i think there are some basic questions we can answer that might help though.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes:im sorry, we have to pause this again. i have errands. ill be back on in like, an hour.
...several hours later...Tate-yum: ok, so I have the questions, we'll each answer them and see where that leads us.
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: kk.
1) Who would be better in bed?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
2) Who would you rather bring home to your parents?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode.
3) Who looks better dirty?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
4) Who would age more gracefully?
Tate-yum: Goode
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
5) Who is less likely to cheat on you?
Tate-yum: Goode
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
6) Who could punch some guy out at a bar to defend your honor?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
7) Who is less likely to give you herpes?
Tate-yum: Goode
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
8) Who would you like to go on a road trip with?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
9) Who wouldn't snore?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
10) Who would smell better?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tatum
11) Who has the better laugh? Smile?
Tate-yum: Tatum
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Tied
12) Who would you be attracted to if he wasnt a movie star?
Tate-yum: Don't know.
Ms. Goode-y-two-shoes: Goode
Tate-yum: Well, I've made my decision after lots of Google research (the best kind). I pick Channing Tatum, for sure.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: Me too. Err. No. I don't know, I can't decide.
Tate-yum: dude, it's been like more than 24 hours.
Ms.Goode-y-two-shoes: but i'm incapable.
Tate-yum: well, that's obvious to me now.
That's it, there is no more. It really was the Great(est) Debate, mostly because only one person could make up her mind, and that was after looking through a zillion pictures of Channing Tatum over a course of 45 minutes. If you simply must know which picture did in poor little Tate-yum, I will share it with you now...