Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Got 99 Problems...

and I'm hoping Avatar ain't one.

Tomorrow brings us Avatar, and yours truly cannot be more excited. No, really, I can't be. If I became more excited, the world would explode. Ok, so I exaggerate, but you get the point.

The point being, that I'm excited. I wasn't excited until those stupid Golden Globe nominations came out. Stupid. :sigh:

And now, look what happened? I'm excited. If this movie is anything less that what I want (and come on, don't we deserve it after a 12 year absence?), then I'm gonna be mega-pissed.

Do you see how angry he is? Can you feel it? That's how pissed I'll be. For real.

Now, if the movie kicks my ass into heaven, well, I'll probably look like this. And when I say probably, I mean most definitely.

See? Someone kicked my ass, and there is heavenly light shining down on my face, and I look...confused?? Eh, it doesn't matter, because I'm Harrison Ford.

BUT! If the move DOES suck in some weird dimension that only exists in a parallel universe, this is the master plan:

Step 1) Road trip!!

Step 2) Find James Cameron's secret hiding place.

Step 3) Try not to get caught.

Step 3) Take away his movie-making mojo, replacing it with a bag full of suck.

Step 4) Make a clean get away.

Step 5) Punch a Nazi.

Step 6) Hide the movie-making mojo in a safe place.

Step 7) Look sexy.

Step 8) And remind James Cameron to choose wisely next time.

Who's in?


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