Monday, December 21, 2009

I See You.

Well road trip needed. Avatar was incredible. Thanks James Cameron, you're the best!!

I've seen it twice, and I'm in love with it, I now find myself wanting to walk around and instead of saying hello, say "I see you", but not in a creepy stalker way, in the cool Avatar way. Yeah, like that.

Just one more comment about it, well it's more on James Cameron than the actual movie. Has anyone noticed his inclination to choose 'J' names in his movies for his male leads? Here is what I have noticed:

John Connor
Jack Dawson
Jake Sully

What do you guys think? I mean, it works for me. I love the 'J'-last name is Irish-combo. Man, it totally works for me. Mmm.

Other exciting things:

- Dollhouse keeps getting better and better, aren't you guys glad we have about three episodes left EVER...I hope you detected sarcasm there (about the amount of shows, not its quality).
-Christmas is coming soon, which means presents!!
-Christmas is coming soon, which means Sherlock Holmes!!

Sad news about Brittany Murphy, huh? I've only seen a handful of stuff she has done, but man, she sure was young.

Damn, now I'm depressed. I need something to make me feel better...

There's just something about punching Nazis that brightens my day.


P.S. OMG!! I just realized that today is our three month anniversary of starting this site! How exciting is that!? In celebration, I'm going to commit plagiarism (but not really cuz I'm crediting the person-but not really cuz I don't want to reveal his/her real name cuz it's the Internet and there are creepazoids out there.) Last week there was something called a rhyme off going on in the lead up to Avatar being released. Here is the best rhyme that I heard, by (codename) D-Rock ...all names have been changed...:

Titled "Avatar is Better than Onions"

"Where are we going, where will we eat?"
"D-Rock you pick." I'm in the back seat.
"Pizza, McDonalds, and Taco Bell!" I'll say,
Hillary gaze, through my soul, will respond "No way."
We'll go to some place, I won't like it deep down
I'll complain about my food, "D-Rock stop being a clown!"
Onions everywhere, how did they get in my hair?
The stench of the beasts start to fill the air.
"Onions are so good, you bimbo!" says Marcuz
"Fuk yo couch!" a sly remark I neglect to bark.

We leave in good spirits, except me I'll be crying
"Those stupid onions" I mutter, as I pout and start sighing
Batman comes up, somehow in a conversation
"Rachel!!!!!" Hillary blurts, a Two-Face imitation
The frustration of onions, dissipating through elation
Everyone's thoughts, now focused, on constipation
*Avatar* was the word I meant to put there
That would not have rhymed and would greatly impair,
The flow of this poem, but to you all I do swear,
The midsentence rhymes will stop, much too unfair

But good news I bring, not solely despair
Good reviews from some places, "What's that over there!?"
I point at nothing, "Made you look." Rhyming is hard.
The blue guys in the movie prolly need a green card.
"Excited, I am" I'll say before I buy a soda
The movie will be awesome! Why am I talking like Yoda?
"Explosions, love, and fantasy, what's better?" I share
"Porno" says Mr.Stud, with his finger in the air
"...Beer" declares Marcuz "and the color ash gray"
I nod in agreement and proclaim "Touché"
Alas I think it's time to say my final goodbye
With a song "I'm Blue, da ba dee, da buh die"

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