Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Will You Hold My Hand?

Hey Everyone (all six and a half of you) !!

Today marks the month anniversary since this blog had its first post! Wooo!! So, I ask you if we can take the next step in this relationship...will you hold my hand?

:sigh: ahh, young love.

Speaking of which, I've totally just fallen in love with this book I'm reading, "Graceling", it's totally epic and awesome, I HIGHLY suggest it.

If you are curious about that other book I mentioned a few weeks ago that could have been stupid, or it could have been good. Well. It was stupid. Really really stupid. Don't ever read "Evermore"...ever, if I didn't like it, you certainly won't either. Believe me. The whole thing is this weird lie, and then it kind of ends like that weird Johnny Depp movie, "Secret Window", or something... I don't know, all I remember is that this immortal guy can somehow conjure tulips. Yeah. I told you it was stupid.

Note to self: When writing an awesome supernatural love story, never have the romantical hotty interest conjure ridiculous flowers that make the reader go "really? tulips? reallllly?"

In other news, "Supernatural" is taking a breather this week, so basically tomorrow is just like any other day of the week even though it's THURSDAY. ::wallow in despair::

If anyone has been watching "Gossip Girl", this week's hairdos and outfits were especially bizarre, no? OH YEAH, and Zoe from "Firefly" was totally Vanessa's mom, random right?

Also? I don't know if there are any serious Nathan Fillion fans who read this, but this past Monday's "Castle" was on the good side, I was kind of impressed. AND THEN, they got soooooooooo closeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to kissing or saying how they feel or at least touching each other...but fail. FAIL FAIL FAIL. Whatever, I'll still watch it. DAMN YOU ABC! DAMN YOU!!! ::shakes fist::

So, to recap myself: Read "Gracling", never touch "Evermore", tomorrow is an average day of the week, "Gossip Girl" needs to hire real stylists, and ABC continues to make me watch a show that in any other universe I would not watch, but I have to because the awesome Nathan Fillion totally rocks my world.


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